February 28, 2008

February 28th

An interesting day again. The button that replaced the trach in Jodi’s throat did not stay in place. It appears that it began to come out almost as soon as it was put in. As a result, the hole in Jodi’s throat has begun to close. By tomorrow AM, it will be fully closed. Jodi was given the decision to either have another whole trach put in or to not have a trach at all. The answer seems obvious but it is not. If she chose to take her chances with no trach and she continued to throw up and aspirate, she could end up being put back onto a ventilator and put back into ICU. Jodi chose not to have a new trach. It has been a hard day for her due to that decision. She has not had as much nausea because I asked the Doctors to introduce only the basic meds into her feeding tube and nothing more. Tomorrow they will only give her extremely small tube feedings so that we can be sure that her stomach is ready for food and she will not get sick again thus minimizing the chances of throwing up.
She has had nothing but IV fluids for seven days now.

Her brain is having to be retrained as far as taking care of all her secretions. For three months now, she has coughed up those secretions only as far as her trach. Now she is trying to bypass that trach area and cough them into where the secretions can be suctioned out of her mouth (she still cannot swallow). That may not sound like much but it means that Jodi feels a lot of inability to breath during coughing and she panics. When she panics, she does not cough as effectively and she forgets to suction early enough causing her to choke even more and once again, there is the risk of aspiration. She also has to remember to sit up (from her lying down position) in a way that gravity can help her. she doesn’t have a lot of strength to pull herself into that position in time to be successful while she is concentrating on everything else that she has to do to accomplish the management of the secretions.

In spite of all of this, she managed to perform a lot of her therapy goals. They are mostly done on the edge of her bed because she needs to regain her strength but she is participating none the less. She walked down the hall with her walker and did quite well.

She has told the Dr. that no matter what, she is going home on March 7th. They are a little hesitant but she is determined to do all she can to be doing well enough to do so. Please pray hard for her to begin to control her secretions and have no more nausea.



Bridge said...

March 7th seems like a perfect spring day to come home! You are doing so well and I was excited to get on this week and see that you're still moving forward. I just got over the flu bug too and it sucks! Glad you are feeling better. Kaylie played in her first tournament of the year and she has 3 jr. high coaches trying to "recruit" her. It's so much fun to see how much better she gets with each game... kinda like seeing how much better you're getting every day too! Love ya.

Unknown said...

Hi Jodi..I am so happy to hear you got your trach out! My mom called and told me what a wonderful visit she had with you and your mom. I got very emotional because I wish I could have been there with her. I want you to know how I think about you daily and I know you will be able to go home on March 7th! (The Doctors don't know who they are talking to!!) I love ya girl! Heidi :)

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Jodi, it sounds like you are having lots of "ups and downs" these days. Congrats on getting out your trach! Hopefully all will go well and you will be able to get your reflexes and swallowing abilities back next.

It must be hard for you to deal with so many setbacks, but just know that there are many of us who continue to pray for you. We know you still have a long way to go...but look at all that you have accomplished! You amaze me! Samson and his long hair is no match for Jodi and her will of steel!

Keep your head up and your legs moving! I can't wait to see you...soon!


Jodi Brown

Anonymous said...

Hi Jodi! Heidi shared this blog with me to read about your progress and I am amazed!! You have such a strong and determind spirit! I shouldn't be suprised because I have always been aware of your strength. I saw your kids with your siblings in Ogden a few weeks ago. Your kids are absolutly darling. You are so blessed to have so much love and support from your family! I believe in you Jodi! luvs Amanda